Collaboration Techniques that Really Work – Web 2.0 Expo Berlin

Leisa Reichet in her workshop (of which i lost the first 30 minutes) talked about ways to improve productivity while planning a new web experience.

Nothing new, but it was a good idea splitting the attendands in several group and ask them to work together.

Even if the workshop lasted for 3 hours, however, many arguments where just drafted.

Some notes taken while not brainstorming with my group:

  • build collaboration into your project methodology – collaborate with your project team
  • collaborate with your peers (people who do the same thing as you) and invite other expert perspectives
  • consider wildcard collaborators (not necessarily part of ur team) that has other perspectives

When to collaborate

  • at the beginning
  • not just at the beginning
  • when you’re stuck (trouble shooting / problem solving) – narrow focus

Collaboration tools

  • people (the right ones)
  • sticky notes & market pens
  • whiteboards/flip charts
  • fun stuff (stimulus)
  • sugar (if it’s afternoon)
  • an objective
  • tecniques
Leisa ReicheltLeisa Reichelt
Freelance user experience consultant specialising in collaborative and guerilla user centred design and with a particular interest in designing for (and with!) communities. 


Opening Welcome – Web 2.0 Expo Berlin

Tim O’Reilly on stage starts a difficult topic: how can web 2.0 help in a world of crisis? Important topic but, in part for the ugly American slang of Tim, in part because he probably had a strong lunch (he’s constantly thirsty) I understand only little chunks. I’m not the alone, at least considering the comments of my neighbours.

Tim suggest that an entrepreneur has to work on stuff that matters (problems that are unsolved).

Tim cited Pascal’s wager:

I look on all sides, and everywhere I see nothing but obscurity.
Nature offers me nothing that is not a matter of doubt and disquiet.

In particular, if we assume the worst we can ask ourself what really matters.

Tim also states that

A victory small enough to be organized is too small to be decisive

Other considerations of Tim O’Reilly:

  • Great challenges = great opportunities
  • Create more value than u capture

Yossi Vardi (known as the father of ICQ) talks about his role of venture capitalist. He wants young people to be persuaded in what they do and to look after first impressions. They have to work hard.

Altre tesi 2.0

Ho aggiornato il mio intervento che raccoglie alcune tesi legate al web 2.0 inserendone altre 3. Nel dettaglio si tratta di:

  1. Blog e Tumbl, progetto di ricerca sui nuovi linguaggi e le prospettive di comunicazione del web di Anna Torcoletti
  2. L’iPod tra Interaction Design e Architettura dell’Informazione di Maria Giovanna Candido
  3. Le piattaforme web 2.0 nelle strategie comunicative e di marketing. Il caso di Elisa Sisto