Tim O’Reilly on stage starts a difficult topic: how can web 2.0 help in a world of crisis? Important topic but, in part for the ugly American slang of Tim, in part because he probably had a strong lunch (he’s constantly thirsty) I understand only little chunks. I’m not the alone, at least considering the comments of my neighbours.
Tim suggest that an entrepreneur has to work on stuff that matters (problems that are unsolved).
Tim cited Pascal’s wager:
I look on all sides, and everywhere I see nothing but obscurity.
Nature offers me nothing that is not a matter of doubt and disquiet.
In particular, if we assume the worst we can ask ourself what really matters.
Tim also states that
A victory small enough to be organized is too small to be decisive
Other considerations of Tim O’Reilly:
- Great challenges = great opportunities
- Create more value than u capture
Yossi Vardi (known as the father of ICQ) talks about his role of venture capitalist. He wants young people to be persuaded in what they do and to look after first impressions. They have to work hard.